Third Thursday Artist Meetup
Every Month From 6 pm - 8pm
Class Info
We are excited to offer a monthly artist group meeting at Astoria Art Center. This will be a space where artists can get together to present their work to each other, provide feedback, and get to know fellow amazing artists in our community. This meeting will be held every Third Thursday of the month at 6 pm. There will be 6 formal presentation spots that are on a first-come, first-serve basis. Artists presenting can bring pieces (completed or in progress) that they want to discuss and be ready to speak for a few minutes about the work. Then a moderator will open up the floor to questions and feedback from all attendees. Each presentation slot, including feedback, will be 10 minutes. We will have 6 slots for presentations (60 minutes) and then use the rest of the time to mingle and get to know one another even more. Feel free to bring anything you are working on, even if you are not presenting! Please sign up below if you are interested in attending, and note in the 'Message' section if you would like to present. Please share this event with your local artist friends! All are welcome to this free event, we ask that you RSVP.
Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
Astoria Art Center
2702 Ditmars Boulevard, Astoria, NY, USA
(856) 556-0420